Wednesday 1 May 2013

Throwing down the gauntlet

Yesterday the fan and the fiddle player spent some time talking and drinking red wine, while I sat with my knitting, and after a while we decided to play a few tunes. I played the Tree - somewhat faster than my recent effort, which is really too slow, and the King. I got the King wrong pretty much every time (I blame the wine) but each time I quickly worked out where the fiddle player was and picked up the tune accordingly, which I was very pleased about. The fan says my timing was still not quite right. "But I was waiting for you", I said, so he pointed out that as my accompanist he was waiting for me...

I've been thinking of setting myself another challenge and playing every day for a month again. When I have the Monkey it will surely be no hardship to play every day, and the knitting season is all but done (bar a pair of Christmas mittens - for Christmas gone - that I've only just got hold of the yarn for), and the allotment is so far behind it will be weeks, it feels, before there is anything serious to be done there. If I choose May, and wait until I have the Monkey that will already be a week gone, and then we're away for a week, too. So perhaps I should leave it until June.

If I do challenge myself to another month of playing every day (and I do think February helped) then I need to decide whether to stick to my play list and try to get everything note perfect every time, or whether I should pick say three or four new tunes and set myself to get each one roughly dotless by the end of the month.

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