Monday 24 June 2013


Today's post is all about timing, good and bad. Mostly bad.

My laptop is on a go slow. I've used the fan's PC all week and the laptop is clearly having an almighty sulk.

I decided to start playing at 5.45, thinking to give myself half an hour and just start dinner 15 minutes late, only I lost track and when the fan interrupted at 6.30 to show me a version of The Battle of the Somme online I moaned that he was eating in to my half hour, and then pushed on to 6.45 before I realised... Needless to say, dinner was late.

The fan pointed out that I'd misread the timing of the Somme so I've worked on that.

The fan talked through my recording, so I had to redo it. Monkey in D, with drones, but I was in a hurry, worrying about dinner, and didn't strap the bellows on properly so there are bits where I lose it because I'm not comfortably keeping the air moving. It wasn't a good move to play without for a week. Needless to say the pan that was on the hob burnt.

I managed to miss an A part repeat out on this recording (distracted by thoughts of the pan on the hob) and I thought I'd got a good swaying speed - rum-ti-di dum dum, rum-ti-di dum dum - but of course on the play back it sounds like a dirge. (To be honest a dirge would be more fitting considering the unimaginable and utterly obscene numbers of "fallen", as we like to euphemistically call the dead, that the tune commemorates.)

I fear this new timing may mean the tune will no longer sit well with the Dragon. The fan suggests The Battle's O'er and the Session suggests Heights of Dargai.

The fan says my foot tapping is OK, except that I am probably tapping to my playing, because when the playing goes off the timing I end up rearranging my foot tapping to fit in with it.

Not exactly about timing, but four months ago when I previously tried to play every day it seemed like a struggle: I remember counting the days, scraping through with maybe 5 minutes play, and being generally bad tempered about the whole thing. This time I love it: I can't wait to get home and play, I can't stop once I start playing.

This 5 minutes to blog seems to have eaten half my evening.

Check this out on Chirbit

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