Sunday 29 May 2016

Buzzed off

In a break with tradition I played right after breakfast this morning. I'm a creature of habit, and generally feel that the morning is for chores, although at this time of year it's also for the allotment before it get's too hot, or, a more likely scenario, the weather breaks.

It was the allotment that made me change my habit. I was only there a couple of hours yesterday, which should have left ample time for piping. But two hours digging and weeding in the sun were followed by a rush to the local shops, some quick chores, a dive through tbe shower, cooking dinner...and when dinner was in the oven and I might have had my pipes out I was physically tired and lay on the sofa with a glass of wine instead.

In another break with tradition I just sat down and played non-stop, one tune after another, just in the order they occurred to me. I had been thinking to play some tunes, mainly Bee and Women in a slow and measured fashion, to really get a grip on the gracing (pun unintended!) In the end some tunes came out rather fast, and Miss Girdle just flew. She's still a bit untidy, though, like someone rushing out of the house, hatless, gloveless, hairpins dropping, still hoiking up her skirt and buttoning her blouse as she goes.

The one tune I didn't play was Loch Bee. I've been humming it a lot of late, but this morning I couldn't bring it to mind, or fingers. It just vanished.

Here is another recording from the other day. This is Magersfontein and Vittoria. It's working well as a pairing, I think, although the second half of the B part of Mags is suffering from some temporary glitches were those two little sets of fast notes are. Working on that.

Check this out on Chirbit

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