Friday 4 December 2015

Five things - distractions

Five distractions that keep me from piping. 

The fan is very single minded. He'll happily spend all day doing one thing, and at any given point one of his hobbies will be to the fore, while others languish. I prefer to dot about, fitting in a bit of time for all my interests in one weekend. I'm sure I'd be a better piper if I played in every spare minute, but there is so much else I want to do. Perhaps I am just a procrastinator... However, here are some of the things I do when I am not finding time to pipe.

Work. To be fair, work is is a distraction that keeps me from life generally, although without it I wouldn't have the money to do some of the other things I do. Mind you, having paid for pipes it's a free hobby from there on in. 

Baking. I love to cook, and I love to bake, mostly because I love to eat. I'm not a great one for fondant icing, piping, sprinkles and so on. I like plain tea time cakes: crunchy top lemon cake, bara brith (generously spread with butter), gingerbread, coffee and walnut, chocolate brownies, and Victoria sponge, with really good jam, maybe some fresh fruit, and plenty of whipped cream is always going to be my favourite.  The fan, alas, blames my baking for his increasing girth, so my mixing bowl and spoon are languishing in the cupboard, along with a jar of sour cherries I bought with Black Forest gateau in mind...

The allotment. Luckily this is a seasonal pastime. It's also about the same age as my piping: I took possession of my plot in the hot and dry April of 2010. The plot is in a time zone of its own where hours whizz by. It also inhabits a lot of mental space as I spend a lot of time planning for the next crop, which is always going to be better than the last.

Knitting. I've knitted for so long I don't remember not being able to knit and I am not even sure who taught me. I assumed it was my mother until I realised that we hold our yarn totally differently... I usually seem to have a project on the go, and while I knit I can plan all the other knitting I will find time to do... 

Reading. I've been reading even longer than I have been knitting. I like to read about my hobbies, but also social history, biography, and mainly mid twentieth century fiction, mostly by women, and crime, but the type the American's call "cozy" with clues and a mystery and not too much blood, and the villain being duly caught at the end.

If work wasn't on the list the fifth would probably be sewing: needlepoint, quilting and dressmaking, but I don't get round to any of these much. 

Throw in some housework, blogging, seeing friends, writing letters and it's a miracle I ever find any time to pipe at all.

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