Sunday 9 June 2013

Stick or twist

Time played: the first 20 minutes flew by, and late I got very excited thinking I'd hit an hour of pretty much constant playing, and then realised I was only at 45 minutes and hadn't the energy to go on. But 45 minutes, playing almost all the time, not bad at all I think.

Tunes played: Whaling Song, Flett, Galloway, King, but mostly Alick, over and over and over.

Instrument: Monkey in D. The fan says not to lose track of the A and that King sounds better on A. But D feels very comfortable right now, and I've played an A for 18 months, I've not had D before, so it's right that I get used to it. I will go back to A. I will go back to Morag.

Foot tapping: OK: did it with  Whaling Song and the King, but I have to have dots, decide where in the bar I am tapping, and then try to work out whether I am hitting the right notes at the right time. Not easy.

Recording: Fairly quick to set up but rather than setting up a million songs I just keep recording over the previous one, so it's a bit of a gamble, and you have to trust that the one you are about to do is better than the one you're about to overwrite.  I also thought that when I mastered the track I trimmed the first few seconds off, but that doesn't seemed to have worked. The main thing is I don't need the laptop out so don't get distracted by thoughts about the blog or my email or the internet.

Notes: Recording is Alick, droneless. I think the odd background sound is my bellows creaking. Some of the up and down sequences of notes seem easy to play, others I stumble over, even with the dots in front of me. Still really enjoying my playing, the tunes I play, the sound the pipes make, the lovely grace notes. (Note to self: pride goeth before a fall!!)

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