Saturday 29 June 2013

Hail fellow, well met

It's odd how we find tunes. As I've noted before the fan sometimes brings me tunes, but somehow they never quite appeal to me. I'm sure much of that is to with wanting to find my own tunes, with wanting tunes to find me.

Some I hear and immediately love and want to play. Some I do play, some I just can't find the dots for, and some I can find but just cannot play (and, much as I love it, and glad as I am to have found the right dots, Delvinside is falling firmly into this camp.) Some , as I've mentioned before, suddenly seem friendly, just because they are familiar. When I listen to a new CD any tunes I know from elsewhere will leap out at me, and it's like coming across someone you know at a large party where you thought you knew no one. It doesn't mater how dull or uncongenial you normally find that person, you'll be glad to see them.

Today's tune I came upon in a roundabout way. I was looking at a discussion on the Session that had a video with some tunes played by Canterach. I'd not heard of them, Googled, and found very little beyond a tantalising suggestion that Mr MacInnes might once have been a member (which may have been why one commenter on the discussion thought the music might be by the Tannahill Weavers).

Anyway, I found a CD with some clips, and that included the Highland Brigade at Magersfontein. It sounds very familiar indeed, so I must know it from somewhere, but have no idea where. It's a slow march. I always think of marching as trudging, but this has a swing in its step. I did wonder if it would pair nicely with the Somme or the Dragon, but it doesn't seem to much care for either of them.

An hour's play today. Monkey in D, no drones. I must spend some time with drones, and in A, and with Morag.

Magersfontein, over and over, getting things wrong that I got right in the previous round and so one, as I always seem to.  Somme, Dragon, Troy, Fiddler, Alick. Home Town. King. Whaling Song I struggled with. I should go back to my established tunes for a while, let the new tunes simmer.

Check this out on Chirbit

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