Friday 5 April 2013

Battling on

Working on Waterloo. I have it pretty much by heart. I don't always get the end of each part for some reason. Timing at the end of parts isn't great - partly down to hesitation. There are spots - the odd bar here and there - when I go too fast. I also have great difficulty remembering how many times I've been round on a part, especially the A, and I think that's because the two bits of the A are basically almost identical, and the same as half of the B part. (The fan agrees that it's easily done with this tune). I'm occasionally catching the bottom of my chanter against my knee and blocking it. Oh - still playing GDG on my AAA, I think. I muck up a chunk of the B several times on this recording, but it's one of those that is less technically accurate but more musically pleasing than other efforts I made.

I'm with dots again on this one. To be honest I don't think I'm actually reading them - they're just background.

Still putting a lot of air through. Even with the bellows strap round my middle as tight as it will go it's dropping down and smacking on my hip bone. It also sounds very loud this evening. In fact it's almost as hard work as listening to The Archers, which is a real moan fest at present, with everyone lurching from one personal crisis to another.

Check this out on Chirbit

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